Buzz Off: How to Keep Wasps Out of Your Car

a wasp on a car window trying to get inside a georgia car

a wasp on a car window trying to get inside a georgia carSummertime in Georgia brings sunny days, open roads, and unfortunately, some unwelcome visitors—wasps. These buzzing insects have a knack for finding their way into the smallest of spaces, including your beloved car. Thankfully, there are some easy steps you can take to make sure wasps don’t invade your space. Read on to learn top wasp prevention tips from the experts at Active Pest Control!

Why Do Wasps Build Nests in Cars?

It may seem strange that wasps choose cars for their nesting site, but there are actually a few reasons why vehicles are a top choice for many stinging insects. Wasps often build nests in cars because: 

  • Cars have plenty of shelter: Just like us, wasps appreciate a cozy shelter. Your car’s various nooks and crannies provide ideal spots for their nests. From the gaps under the hood to the crevices in the door panels, they’ll happily take advantage of any available space.
  • Ventilation makes for easy access: Wasps are resourceful little creatures. They’re drawn to cars because of the air vents, which provide excellent ventilation for their nests. The steady flow of air allows their offspring to breathe comfortably, and who can blame them for wanting a breeze during hot Georgia summers?
  • Old crumbs provide plenty of food: Wasps have a notorious sweet tooth. They’re attracted to sugary substances, such as spilled beverages or food remnants, that might be lurking inside your car. These tantalizing snacks serve as extra motivation for them to explore and establish their nests.
  • Sedentary cars are secluded: Wasps are crafty creatures that prefer to build their nests in hidden locations, away from prying eyes and curious predators. The protected environment of your car provides them with the perfect camouflage, shielding their nests from unwanted attention.

How to Keep Wasps Out of Your Car

Now that we understand why wasps find cars so appealing, it’s time to unleash our arsenal of preventive measures:

  • Remove any trash and vacuum regularly
  • Keep windows and doors closed
  • Avoid letting your car sit unused 
  • Seal any cracks with mesh or tape
  • Park in sheltered areas if possible
  • Inspect beneath the hood and in the trunk

What to Do if You Have Wasps in Your Car

Despite your best efforts, it’s possible that wasps might come inside your car. If this happens, it’s crucial to remain calm and take the appropriate steps to handle the situation safely. Here’s what you should do:

  • Stay Calm and Pull Over: If you notice wasps flying inside your car while driving, keep your cool and pull over to a safe location. Panicking or swatting at the wasps can lead to accidents or stings.
  • Open All Windows and Doors: Once you’ve safely parked, roll down all the windows and open the doors. This allows the wasps a clear exit path and encourages them to fly out of the vehicle.
  • Exit Slowly and Carefully: Exit the car slowly and cautiously, making sure not to disturb or provoke the wasps. Move away from the vehicle to a safe distance, preferably to an area without any wasp activity.
  • Call a Professional Wasp Exterminator: If you discover a wasp nest inside your car, don’t try to remove it yourself. Wasps can become aggressive when their nest is threatened, and their stings are painful and potentially dangerous. Instead, seek assistance from a professional wasp control company.

Finding wasps in your car can be a terrifying experience, but the experts at Active Pest Control are here to help! Our state-certified technicians have years of experience handling buzzing insects throughout Georgia, and they know how to quickly and safely remove wasps. To get fast wasp removal services, give us a call today!

Mosquitos – No Thanks: DIY that Doesn’t Work

a swarm of mosquitoes outdoors

As the weather warms in Georgia, we’re approaching the start of mosquito season. These blood-sucking pests are waking up from hibernation, and they’re traveling to look for hosts to feed off of

a swarm of mosquitoes outdoors

and places fit for breeding. There’s nothing worse than swarms of mosquitoes rendering your yard inhospitable – but what can you do? 

Some hesitate to call a professional mosquito exterminator, especially when there are so many do-it-yourself solutions being advertised online. Unfortunately, some of these answers may not be as effective as they claim. The experts at Active Pest Control are here to go through some of the most common strategies and tell you for certain whether or not they’re worth pursuing.  

DIY for Mosquitos: Life Hack or Wack?

There are a variety of DIY mosquito treatments on the market that claim to eradicate these pests without the need or cost of an exterminator. But in many cases, these products are not nearly as useful as advertised – if at all. Take the mosquito-repelling bracelet for example, a wristband infused with essential oils and other natural ingredients supposedly meant to deter the bugs. In actuality, one study shows that these bracelets are only effective to a radius of a few centimeters

This example creates a pattern that reflects onto a majority of home pest strategies. When asking if DIY pest control work, the answer is usually that it is: 

  • Applied incorrectly
  • Not strong enough
  • Still providing nesting spots

Mosquito Control that Works

There are certain forms of mosquito repellant that can work to a certain extent. It’s true that there are some scents, like Citronella, that mosquitoes don’t like. So if you plant the herb around the home or light a few quality candles made with the oil, you may lessen the presence of mosquitos around your property. 

While it’s not possible to remove all sources of standing water from your home, clearing out buckets, bird baths, and other larger surfaces will go a great distance in preventing mosquitoes from breeding. You can also go the extra mile and keep a few box fans running on your patio, or wherever else you plan on spending time outdoors. The constant current of air is not only pleasant on a hot day, but it also deters mosquitoes and other bugs from landing and getting comfortable in your space. 

These will help create an environment that mosquitoes won’t be attracted to, but it won’t do much to help an infestation that’s already spreading. So in that way there’s no question about it: if you want thorough mosquito removal in Georgia, you need the help of a trained professional.

Active Pest Control for Mosquito Exterminators in Georgia

When it comes to a pest as pervasive and potentially hazardous as the mosquito, there’s no such thing as being too careful. The expert technicians at Active Pest Control have been eradicating mosquito infections for 45 years, and we can use our ongoing training to provide the highest quality of service possible. DIY mosquito killers are a nice thought, but often too good to be true, and certainly not worth wasting money on. Instead, trust Active Pest Control to get rid of your pest problem for good. Contact us today to get started!

Mosquito Awareness for Springtime

mosquitos swarming outdoors

In Georgia, the normal mosquito season will run from March through to October. With January rain totals well above normal across the Southeast, it is a good time to take inventory of wheremosquitos swarming outdoors

standing water is, and what can be done to eliminate it. 

Are you one of the people that these little pests just love? You have started to plan all the events for your family and friends around the backyard that you have worked so hard to keep green and beautiful. You want fun pool parties, BBQs, and children’s playdates for your family and guests, not the biting, itching and discomfort of many mosquito bites. Just as you have taken the time to get your yards beautiful to the eye, now it’s also time to get ahead of mosquito season. Even though we probably never will be able to fully eradicate these pests from our planet, there are ways we can learn to deal with them. Let’s take a closer look at some facts you may not know about these little pests!

Mosquito Facts

  • GROWING UP: The mosquito can complete its life cycle from egg to adult in as little as 4 days, though most mosquitoes grow from egg to adult in about 2 weeks.
  • TIME TO BITE: After only two days as an adult, a female mosquito is able to bite.
  • LIFESPAN: Most male mosquitoes only live for two weeks. Female mosquitoes often live up to a month or more, but they can certainly cause a lot of problems during that short time!
  • FEMALE MOSQUITOES: Only the female mosquito bites people and animals to draw blood and obtain protein to properly develop her eggs. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at one time.
  • DISEASES: Mosquitoes carry diseases like Zika Virus, West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).
  • WATER WORLD: In one way or another, mosquitoes’ lives revolve around a water source. All mosquitoes require water during their egg, larval, and pupal stages for maturation. As an adult, the female lays her eggs in the water.
  • SPECIES: There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes. 63 of these species live in Georgia and are still biting.

How Can I Prepare for Mosquito Season?

Combat mosquitoes and other pests by following these simple tips and tricks.

  • Cut grass and shrubs short, as adult mosquitoes gather to rest in shady, cool areas.
  • Keep your yard weed-free and avoid overgrown vegetation.
  • Keep swimming pools clean, and properly circulating.
  • Regularly empty ponds, bird baths, fountains, plant pots, buckets, or anywhere else that water may gather.
  • Drill holes in tire swings, trash cans, or recycling bins so water drains out.
  • Clean out gutters to avoid standing water and examine them for any damage that would cause water to collect.
  • Check sprinkler heads in your sprinkler system for leaks and standing water.
  • Check outdoor faucets for leaks.

Whether it’s just nuisance-biting behavior or the mosquitos are transmitting disease-causing pathogens, precautions should be taken. Lastly, residents should make sure all screens are in place and in good condition to prevent mosquitoes from getting into our homes as we open windows again. Prevention can go a long way in avoiding mosquitoes around our homes and neighborhoods.

Mosquito Control in Georgia

At Active Pest Control, we provide comprehensive pest control services to help keep insects away from your home in the spring and all year round. If you’re not able to enjoy your outdoor space because of swarming insects, we can help. We’ve been exterminating pests in Active Pest Control for over 45 years.  Contact us today for your free quote.

How to Avoid Insect Swarms This Spring

A densely packed swarm of termites in GA.

Springtime in Georgia! Warm weather, sunshine, and… swarms of insects. The warmth and humidity in spring in Georgia draws many species of insects out of their winter habitats to feed and breed. A densely packed swarm of termites in GA. Many of these insects are just a nuisance but some of them can be dangerous to people or harmful to property. Learn which insects to watch out for, what you can do to protect your home, and how Active Pest Control can help if these precautions aren’t enough. 

What Insects Swarm in the Spring?

Many bugs are known to swarm in spring but these are some of the most common or problematic swarming bugs in Georgia: 

Bees: If bees are swarming on your property, they’re likely seeking food and shelter. Watch for the construction of bees’ nests in trees or on the eaves of your home. Carpenter bees can be especially concerning. They’re large, solitary bees that are often seen hovering near wooden structures in spring. They are important pollinators but can cause damage to wooden structures. They drill holes in wood to make their nests, which is how they get their name. 

Termites: Termites begin swarming in the early spring months to establish new colonies. When termites are mating, you’ll typically find wings on the ground because termites shed their wings when they mate. If mating is happening on your property, then you are at risk of a termite infestation if you don’t already have one. Winged ants appear in late spring for the same reason as termites – to breed. They look similar to termites but don’t pose the threat to your property that wood-eating termites do.

Wasps: In the warmer months, the queen will come out of hibernation and begin looking for food. If you see wasps flying low to the ground in your yard, they are likely looking for grubs, larvae, or insects for the queen or her offspring. 

Ladybugs: Ladybugs are a type of beetle that is often seen in large numbers in spring. They are beneficial insects that help control aphids and other garden pests.

Lovebugs: Lovebugs are a type of fly known for their distinctive mating swarms. They are typically found in the southeastern US, including Georgia.

Moths: Several species of moths, including the white-lined sphinx moth, are known to swarm in Georgia in the springtime.

Stinkbugs: Stinkbugs are common in Georgia and can be seen swarming in spring. While they are not harmful to humans, they can be a nuisance in large numbers.


How to Keep Swarming Insects Away

Take care with food and drink outside

When the weather heats up, so do our grills! Bees and especially wasps are attracted to protein-rich foods like the meat you or your neighbors will be cooking. They’re also attracted to sugary drinks. To keep bees and wasps from making an uninvited appearance at your picnic or BBQ, be sure to seal up leftovers promptly and keep any sugary drinks sealed or covered.

Keep your yard clean

To keep insects away, you’ll want to keep your yard clear of any kind of debris that could be a habitat for insects, including leaves, sticks and any fruit that may fall from fruit trees. Keeping your lawn mowed short can also help. Stack firewood, ideally off the ground, away from buildings, and covered by a tarp. 

Stop water from pooling

Many different types of pests are attracted to water, either for breeding or for drinking. There are many items in our yards that can easily fill with water given how stormy spring in Georgia can be. Whether it’s a birdbath, an empty bucket, a flower pot or a trash can lid, try to prevent water from accumulating in any objects on your property.

Expert Pest Control for Georgia

At Active Pest Control we provide comprehensive pest control services to help keep insects away from your home in the spring and all year round. If you’re not able to enjoy your outdoor space because of swarming insects, we can help. We’ve been exterminating pests in Georgia for over 45 years.  Contact us today for your free quote.

Why Would a Pest Control Company Install Insulation?

A cockroach on a white background

If you’ve been looking into pest control techniques in Georgia, you may have heard of TAP Pest Control Insulation. It’s a specialized service offered by only a select group of exterminators across theA cockroach on a white background country, but hearing that may come with some degree of confusion. What is TAP insulation? Why would a pest control company install insulation? Whatever questions you may have about the product or the process, we can answer them!

What is TAP® Insulation?

TAP, or T·A·P as it’s sometimes spelled, stands for Thermal, Acoustical, Pest Control Insulation. Unlike sheets of fiberglass batting or globs of foam insulation, TAP is made up of loose cellulose that is blown into your attic or the voids in your walls. It settles, and once it does it can kill a variety of pests while also functioning as an excellent insulation. It works for new construction or existing homes.

How Does TAP Work?

Unlike other forms of insulation, TAP is specially treated with a borate solution that, to humans, is about as toxic as table salt. But as insects come into contact with it, the material sticks to their bodies and is then ingested when they groom themselves. Since they are unable to pass the substance, it gathers in their guts and eventually causes them to die of dehydration or malnutrition.

What Pests Does It Kill?

You can see the complete list of pests that TAP insulation is effective against on the product’s EPA label. TAP is effective on smaller insects like ants and termites, as well as bigger bugs like beetles and cockroaches. TAP is not effective on rats, mice or squirrels, but at the same time, our insulation does not act as a food source the way that some others may.

Is TAP Insulation Eco-Friendly?

Yes! Cellulose is already viewed as one of the greenest building products in the world, and the cellulose we work with is over 80% recycled materials. If that wasn’t enough, TAP is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency, which has devoted entire studies to knowing exactly how this product can control bugs and protect your home in a way that is sustainable as well as effective.

How Long Does It Last?

Since insects cannot build up a tolerance to the borate inside the cellulose, TAP insulation has the benefit of maintaining its pest-killing properties for decades at a time. Unless the material is damaged by moisture or rodents, it can insulate and kill pests for decades, up to 100 years in ideal conditions!

Do I Need to Remove My Existing Insulation?

If your existing insulation is damaged by rodents or excess moisture, you may want to consider getting it removed before installing a new material. If that isn’t the case, since TAP is loose fill, it can be easily blown in over any existing insulation.

But Is TAP Insulation Good Insulation?

That’s ultimately what it comes down to, isn’t it? It’s nice in theory to have insulation that can combat pests, but that won’t hold up if that same material can’t regulate temperature or block out sound. Luckily, TAP Insulation does more than kill a majority of common insect pests that come into contact with it. Since cellulose is thicker than other forms of traditional insulation, it slows the flow of air through it. That means that it keeps your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Your HVAC equipment will be able to use less energy, ultimately saving money on your annual heating and cooling bills. If that wasn’t enough, TAP is also highly proficient at reducing the sounds that may otherwise enter through your attic.

All in all, TAP Insulation is an extra layer of protection for any home in Georgia. And Active Pest Control can help install TAP in your home today to keep it more comfortable and pest-free*. Want to know more? Visit our TAP Insulation page!

DIY vs Professional Wildlife Exclusion

Raccoon hiding near house

If you live in the Atlanta Metro or the surrounding area, you likely know the importance of wildlife exclusion. The best way to prevent larger pests and nuisance wildlife from nesting in your home

Raccoon hiding near house

is to keep them from getting inside in the first place. And maybe you’ve been doing enough research to think that you can handle this level of work on your own. You might own a caulk gun and some chicken wire. Why not do the work yourself and save some money?

There are certainly forms of DIY wildlife exclusion you can do on your own. At the same time, there are aspects to this line of work that you definitely need to leave to a professional. At Active Pest Control, we’re trained in all forms of wildlife exclusion, control and management. But before you call for our services, let’s explain how we can help you and your household.

Benefits of Professional Wildlife Exclusion

There’s more that goes into wildlife exclusion than covering entry points. In many cases, the calls we get for exclusion are only placed after some nuisance wildlife has already gotten into the home. This is where the skill set of the Active Pest Control team comes into play. If you have squirrels in your walls or skunks in the attic, removing them on your own could be frustrating, if not potentially dangerous. You don’t want to risk scratches or bites that could transfer disease. Our team has all the protective gear needed for the job, as well as years of industry experience that can apply to nearly every situation.

And when it comes to covering possible entry points, our experts can find vulnerabilities that an untrained homeowner might miss. While you can cover open vents and chimneys, you can count on us to find anything in the more hidden areas of your property. With our help the work done will be more comprehensive, protecting your household from pests big and small.

Wildlife Exclusion: What You Can Do

Even though we suggest leaving the majority of wildlife exclusion work to professionals, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do yourself. If you regularly check for cracks and holes, you can cover them or seal the openings. And you can take measures to make your home inhospitable to wildlife, such as:

  • Eliminating food sources (Pet food, unsealed garbage cans, fallen fruit from trees, etc.)
  • Trimming the trees around your property
  • Shortening climbing plants along the exterior of the home
  • Taking down bird feeders

These are all safe and fairly effective ways to deter animals from your home. And if you try all of this and still find nuisance wildlife taking up residence in your home, the best action to take is to call us at Active Pest Control. We’ve been doing this for over forty years, and we can humanely remove animals from your home while also covering their tracks to keep more from getting in. Our work is ethical and effective, and we can work so you don’t have to sacrifice your safety. To get started, contact us today!

How Wildlife Exclusion Can Help

Raccoon on a ledge feeding on scraps - Keep raccoons away from your home with Active Pest Control in GA

raccoon on fence eating a cookieFor many people, pest control in Georgia means: You have an infestation in your home, and you need an exterminator with pesticides to eradicate the problem. And in certain cases, that’s true. If you have pests like termites or cockroaches, pesticides are really the only option. But as the pest gets larger, your opinions on pesticides may change. It’s one thing to bait an ant to collapse the colony – but what do you do about a squirrel, rat, or raccoon that made its way into your home? 

Active Pest Control can help, not only in removing these larger nuisance forms of wildlife but in keeping more from taking their place. We do this with the help of what’s called wildlife exclusion.

Wildlife Exclusion: An Overview

Pests both large and small aren’t known for appearing in your home out of nothing and nowhere. The motives of a beetle aren’t too different from that of something like a bat – at their core, they both want food, shelter and safety. Your home offers all of that and more, and the main goal of wildlife exclusion is to implement physical barriers to keep any pests from taking advantage of your resources.

The way we go about applying wildlife exclusion depends on the state of the property. After an initial inspection, an Active Pest Control technician will know exactly what measures need to be taken to suit your home best. You may need a sheet of mesh wire placed over your attic vent to keep bats from roosting, new shingles on the roof to keep rats out, or cracks and gaps in the foundation filled in with caulk. It could be that you need all of that and more, which isn’t a bad thing. What matters is that we do what needs to be done to separate your home from the Great Outdoors.

Keeping Things Moving: Benefits of Wildlife Exclusion

It’s easy to think about what you and your household can personally get out of wildlife exclusion. No rats in the walls or raccoons in the attic is good news for most homeowners in Georgia. And the right exclusion techniques will work in the long term, as most animals will move on and won’t come back once they’ve established that your home is not a candidate for habitation. This works in your favor, but also in the favor of the ecosystem as a whole.

The animals that try to get in your home ultimately are making a home outside their intended environment. And, by closing off access to your space, you’re guiding them back to what they’re meant to be doing. In Georgia, we need squirrels to disperse nuts and promote plant growth. Moles promote soil growth and aeration, and even something as unpleasant as a skunk is almost as effective at pest-control as we are. Every animal that is meant to be here is here for a reason, and by investing in wildlife exclusion you’re making sure that balance is maintained for a long time to come.

Keep Wildlife Away Safely with Active Pest Control

At Active Pest Control, we offer the full spectrum of wildlife management for homes and commercial properties across Georgia. We work safely in removing existing wildlife and taking the proper exclusion efforts to keep your property pest-free* for the long term. To learn more or get a free quote, contact us today!

Fall Pests That May Get in Your Home

Asian lady beetle on door frame

Asian lady beetle on door frame

Does it seem like there are more insects in your home during the fall and winter? Unfortunately, it’s not your imagination. It’s fall pests looking for ways to get out of the increasingly cold weather. Some of these fall pests will migrate to warmer climates or burrow under debris, but others may decide they want to spend the winter in your warm, dry home. This phenomenon is referred to as overwintering, and it pays to look for warning signs before you end up with an infestation in your home.

Finding a bug on the countertops or in the corners of a room in your home is no fun. However, what’s even worse and could cause even more damage, are the pests hiding where you can’t see them. The fall pests most likely to take refuge here can include Asian Lady beetles, stink bugs, termites, wasps, and rodents. Let’s learn more about how and why these pests may try to get into your home.

Fall Pest #1: Asian Lady Beetles

If you find what looks like a ladybug in your home, it may not be a ladybug. If it’s larger than your garden-variety ladybug, you may be looking at an Asian Lady beetle (which may or may not have spots). And if you’ve found one, the odds are good that it’s not alone. Asian Lady beetles travel together in groups, using pheromones to communicate their location. That means that if one comes into your home to get out of the cold, the result can be an infestation. These bugs may not eat the wood in your home’s structure or sting its residents, but their waste can stain as well as trigger an allergic reaction or breathing difficulties in sensitive individuals. You can prevent this, along with most other fall pest infestations, by making sure you seal any gaps or openings in the exterior of your home.

Fall Pest #2: Stink Bugs

The species of stink bug you’re most likely to encounter in your home in the US is the Brown Marmorated stink bug, which is an invasive non-native species from Asia. They’re flat and shaped like a shield, colored in mottled shades of brown and gray, and range in size from around ¼” to ⅜”. They’re fond of quiet, out-of-the-way parts of your home like the attic or crawlspace, or anywhere else where they won’t be bothered. If they get discovered and feel threatened (or squashed), they’ll release a deeply unpleasant odor, which is where this insect gets its name. 

Fall Pest #3: Termites

Termites are easily the most destructive pest in the US. The annual cost of termite damage and mitigation in the US is estimated at up to $30 billion. Termites, if you have them, are always trying to enter your home. But fall and winter is when subterranean termites – the most damaging species – tend to burrow deep into the ground to wait out the cold weather. So if you have an infestation you may not notice it until spring. And at that point, the nest, and the damage, could be much more extensive. Once termites can get in your home, they will consume wood and anything else that contains cellulose. Signs of termites in your home may include blisters on painted surfaces, hollow-sounding wood, and unexplained pinhole-sized holes.

Fall Pest #4: Rodents

Squirrels, roof rats, and mice are all agile creatures and excellent climbers. You’ve surely seen them make their way from branch to branch or along narrow fences. It shouldn’t come as a surprise they can get into your attic and make a nest. Luckily these rodents don’t tend to be very stealthy. After some time you’ll hear them scratching or gnawing from up above or inside the walls. Those are both good signs that you have a rodent inside your attic or wall voids, and that means it’s time to call an experienced rodent exterminator like Active Pest Control 

Fall Pest #5: Wasps

Wasp colonies do not overwinter in the colder season, which leaves the workers to die with the oncoming winter. Fertilized queens, however, survive the cold outdoors and leave the nest for shelter like hollow logs, tree stumps – or in certain structures, like the attic of your home. Here’s a question for you. How sure are you that your attic vents are all screened from the outdoors? If you’re not very sure, consider calling us to inspect your attic and install them for you. They can prevent wasps, birds, and all manner of creatures from making themselves comfortable without you knowing.

Top Exterminators for Fall Pests

Active Pest Control has been proud to provide Georgia residents with quality pest control services for over 35 years. If you have some unwelcome fall pests in your home, Active Pest Control is ready to help. Contact us now for a free quote!

5 Frightening Facts About Cockroaches

Cockroach on white background

Cockroach on white background

If you see a cockroach in your home, you probably won’t need to be persuaded to call an exterminator. Cockroaches are repulsive and difficult to eliminate by yourself. But here are five facts that might make you even more motivated to contact an experienced exterminator like Active Pest Control.

Cockroaches Are Quick

A human’s average walking speed is 2.5 to 4 mph. Some roaches can run over 3 miles per hour. In fact, they’re one of the fastest insects on the planet. They won’t hesitate to run or fly at you to create an opening for their escape. It’s best to avoid coming in contact with cockroaches. They’re known or suspected carriers of the bacteria that cause dysentery, typhoid fever, Salmonellosis, cholera and other illnesses.

They’re Hard to Kill

Cockroach exoskeletons are incredibly strong. They can withstand a force equivalent to 900 times their own body weight. So don’t count on being able to just hit a roach with a broom and squash it. If you have a cockroach infestation in your home, don’t attempt to kill the roaches on your own. Effectively eliminating a cockroach infestation is nearly impossible without help from a professional exterminator.

If You Kill One, it Attracts More

Like many other insects, cockroaches are attracted to certain scents. The smell that’s most compelling to them is, surprisingly, the smell of a dead roach. A dead roach produces a smell that entomologists call the “death stench”. Cockroaches are social creatures, so when a dead roach is discovered, other roaches tend to investigate so they can let the rest of the colony know that it may be in danger. After alerting the colony, they may begin feeding on the carcass of the deceased. 

A Cockroach Can Live for Weeks Without a Head

Think cockroaches can’t get any more disgusting or creepy? Think again! A cockroach can survive for a few weeks without a head. Because they breathe through a system of tubes that filters air in and out of the sides of the body, they only need their head to consume food and water. While a cockroach can regenerate limbs, it can’t grow back its head. It will survive for a few headless weeks until it dies of hunger or thirst.

A Cockroach Can Survive for More Than a Half Hour Without Air

A cockroach is able to hold its breath for 40 to 45 minutes, making any plans to suffocate roaches a non-starter. This is just another example of how tough they are to kill.

Best Cockroach Exterminators in Georgia

If you’re dealing with a cockroach infestation, don’t hesitate to hire professional exterminators. The experts at Active Pest Control have been providing fast, reliable cockroach extermination in Georgia since 1985. Contact us today for a free quote!


How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Bathroom

Ants in a bathroom in Georgia - Active Pest Control

Ants in a bathroom in Georgia - Active Pest ControlAnts are notorious in Georgia for being one of the hardest pests to get rid of. Even though most ant species aren’t quite dangerous, the ones that don’t bite, sting, or tunnel through wood will take over your house, forming trails that extend far out of sight. Additionally, it is difficult to predict when you might start dealing with ants because they usually emerge with rapid weather changes.

Many ant infestations start off in areas with sustained moisture, so it’s important to learn how to prevent and get rid of ants in your bathroom. Read on to learn from the ant exterminators at Active Pest Control!

Why Are There Ants in My Bathroom?

Ant infestations usually start because of an issue with excess moisture buildup. These pests will seek out pooling water in your shower, in your sink, and on the floor, looking for a reliable water source. Carpenter ants, in particular, infest bathrooms commonly because of the water-damaged wood that they often find. They burrow through damaged wood to make their nests and access the rest of your structural wood. All kinds of ants will infest your bathroom, though, and they usually find their way in through these access points:

  • Trails through open windows and doors
  • Cracks in walls and foundation
  • Gaps and holes around plumbing fixtures
  • Ventilation systems

Ants might have also traveled to your bathroom from another room in your home, so it’s important to try to find the source of their trail to get rid of them.

Getting Rid of Ants in Your Bathroom

The most important part of ant removal is finding out where the ant trail is coming from. This can be quite difficult because ants can travel through the tiniest cracks in walls, pipes, doors, and more. Because of this, it’s important to learn how to prevent ants before they infest your home in the first place. We recommend you take these ant prevention strategies:

  • Seal cracks and gaps leading inside your home with a silicone-based caulk
  • Move mulch away from the side of your home and keep plants trimmed back
  • Replace any water-damaged wood that you find
  • Ensure that your bathroom is well-ventilated
  • Check that your doors and windows fully seal

Who Can Help Get Rid of Ants in Georgia?

If you can’t find where your ants are coming from, you need the help of a local pest control expert with experience tracing ant trails and locating colonies. Our ant exterminators at Active Pest Control are knowledgeable about the many ant species in Georgia and can provide quick and exhaustive ant removal services for both residential and commercial customers. Reach out today for a free quote!